- Vast and inaccessible, the oceans are difficult to comprehend and are rarely at the centre of our attention. Nor do they have advocates or lobbyists. This is quite remarkable, since the oceans crucially determine our climate and are an increasingly important source of our food. In order to raise public awareness of the interrelationships in marine science and thereby contribute to a more effective protection of the seas, mareverlag founded the non-profit company maribus in 2008. Maribus’s mission is to boost awareness of the oceans; it pursues no commercial interests. The "World Ocean Review" is a unique compilation presenting the state of our oceans and encapsulating cutting-edge science. It was made possible by the cooperation of various partners >
- maribus gGmbH
Pickhuben 2
20457 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0) 40 36 98 59 0, Fax: +49 (0) 40 36 98 59 90
E-mail: lehmkoester@maribus.com
URL: www.maribus.com
Authorized representative and director: Nikolaus Gelpke; Amtsgericht Hamburg Nr. B 104082; responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV: maribus gGmbH