- > Many experts have contributed their specialized knowledge to the compilation of the World Ocean Review 2013. In particular, scientists working together on questions related to the development of our seas in the Cluster of Excellence ”The Future Ocean” participated in the present work
Contributors WOR 2
- Dr. Malcolm Beveridge
- Director of Aquaculture and Genetics at WorldFish. His research interests include aquaculture and fisher-ies and their impacts on poverty and hunger and on the environment. Beveridge is currently engaged with colleagues and partners in developing pro-poor aquaculture value chains in Africa, Asia and the Pacific as part of the CGIAR Research Programs on Livestock and Fish and on Aquatic Agriculture Systems. He is also researching into how the rise of aquaculture is impacting on food and nutrition security. > web
- Dr. Anthony Charles
- Interdisciplinary marine and coastal re-searcher at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada, and Principal Investigator of the global Community Conservation Research Network. A. Charles engages in research that seeks broadly to improve the governance, management and economics of fisheries, coastal and marine social-ecological systems. His particular re-search interests include fishery sustainability and resilience, governance of small-scale fisheries, adaptation of coastal communities to uncertainty and climate change, human dimensions of ecosystem-based marine management, impacts of marine and coastal disasters, and the role of participatory and community-based ocean governance. > web
- PD Dr. Ulf Dieckmann
- Theoretical biologist and leader of the Evolution and Ecology Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria. His research focuses on fisheries-induced evolution, sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity and speciation, various model-based analyses in the field of spatial and evolutionary ecology, as well as inves-tigations on the conditions of cooperative behaviour in human and animal populations. > web
- Dr. Heino O. Fock
- Marine ecologist at the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries in Hamburg. His specialties are the assessment of fish stocks, evaluation of environmental implications in fisheries, and deep-sea ecology. His interests in these areas include determination of the fundamental conditions for sustainable use of fisher-ies and ecosystem services. > web
- Dr. Rainer Froese
- Fisheries biologist at the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel. His specialties are fisheries biology, population dynamics, aquatic biodiversity, biogeography, and fishery management. Together, he and Daniel Pauly developed the FishBase database (www.fishbase.org). Since 1990 he has been its project leader and coordinator. R. Froese was also a founding member of “Species 2000” and of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), which was a part of the “Census of Marine Life” project. He is presently coordinating various projects with the goal of producing the first global atlas of life in the ocean (www.aquamaps.org). > web
- Dr. Matthias Keller
- Agrarian engineer in the Fisch-Informa-tionszentrum e. V. (FIZ – Fish information centre registered association). M. Keller is also the director of two other fishery science institutions and is chairman of the working group “Markets and International Trade of the Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture” in the European Commission. M. Keller is the author of the handbook “Fisch, Krebs- und Weichtiere” (Fish, crustaceans and molluscs) published by Behr’s-Verlag. > web
- Dr. Ulf Löwenberg
- Fisheries biologist; presently working as the leader of a project for sustainable management of fishery resources in Mauretania on assignment for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ, the German federally-owned international development company). He has been active in the field of fisheries for 30 years and has conducted numerous assignments abroad on behalf of German and European development institutions. He has been involved in numerous studies as an independent expert for public and private contractors. > web
- Dr. Gorka Merino
- Specialist for bioeconomic modelling of fisher-ies at the Spanish research centre AZTI-Tecnalia. He is primarily involved with aspects relating to the maximum sustainable exploitation of fish stocks. His scientific research has also focused on the interaction of economic and environmental drivers and their impact on the sustainability of marine resources. G. Merino worked at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK) until the end of 2012. > web
- Prof. Dr. Christian Möllmann
- Fisheries biologist at the Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science at the University of Hamburg. He studies the influence of fisheries and climate on the structure and function of marine ecosystems, particularly marine food webs. His research provides a basis for the development of ecosys-tem-based approaches for the management of living resources. C. Möllmann is editor of the journal “Fisheries Oceanography”. > web
- Dr. Rosemary E. Ommer
- Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria, Canada. She has directed marine-related institutes at the Universities of Victoria, Calgary and Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has also been the principal investigator on several interdisciplinary research projects involving natural and social scientists, humanists, and education and health sciences. She has a PhD in economic historical geography from McGill University, an MA in historical geography from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and she researched and taught in Atlantic Canada from the early 1970s until 1997. She is the author and/or editor/co-editor of Coasts Under Stress: restructuring and social-ecological health (McGill-Queen’s Press 2007) and many other books. From 2001 until 2009 she was a member of the international scientific steering committee (ISSC) of GLOBEC – the global oceans eco-system dynamics science research group, and was co-chair of their Focus 4 research group, which looks at the human dimensions of global ocean ecosystems. > web
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Pauly
- Fisheries biologist at the Fisheries Centre of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. D. Pauly is the leader of the “Sea Around Us” project, a research group that aims to research and document the most important trends in ocean fisheries since 1950. After completing studies in oceanography and fisheries biology at the Christian-Albrechts- University of Kiel, he worked for many years at an international research centre in the Philippines where he initiated numerous cooperative projects that are now globally recognized, including FishBase and Ecopath. He has worked at the UBC Fisheries Centre since 1994, and was its director from 2003 to 2008. > web
- Dr. Mark Prein
- Fisheries biologist and presently leader of an international project within the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ, the German federally-owned international development company) to promote sustainable fishery and aquaculture. Before that, for 15 years, he was head of the department of freshwater fishing and aquaculture at the WorldFish Center/ICLARM and worked at the FAO. In addition to his involvement in Germany’s government-sponsored development work with frequent assignments abroad, M. Prein holds a teaching position in the faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim. > web
- Prof. Dr. Martin Quaas
- Economist at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel and leader of the research group “Fisheries and Overfishing/Living Resources” in the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”. The specialty areas of M. Quaas are environmental, resource and ecological economics. One goal of his research is the development of new fisheries management approaches and new market-based instruments of fisheries policy that promote sustainability in the sector. > web
- Dr. Jörn O. Schmidt
- Fisheries biologist at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel in the working group “Sustainable Fisheries” in the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”. J. Schmidt is the German member on the Science Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, where he represents the scientific interests of Germany with respect to fisheries research. Together with two colleagues, one Dane and one American, he also leads a working group that investigates fishery management using coupled ecological-economic models. > web
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Schulz
- Agrarian engineer at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel and at the Society for Marine Aquaculture in Büsum. C. Schulz investigates innovative technologies for the development of environmentally sound aquaculture, especially in marine systems. His other areas of interest are in the field of fish nutritional requirements, and providing these with appropriate new products. C. Schulz is also involved in studies of the complex interactions of fish breeding with physiological health and reproduction processes. > web
- Dr. Rüdiger Voss
- Fisheries biologist at the Christian-Albrechts- University of Kiel in the working group “Sustainable Fisheries” within the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”. R. Voss inves-tigates environmental factors that impact the early life stages of fish. He also studies species interactions, and from these derives multispecies system and ecosystem management strategies. His work integrates biological and economic factors of fisheries, and combines ecological expertise with economics in coupled models. > web
- Dr. Christopher Zimmermann
- Fisheries biologist at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries in Rostock. C. Zimmermann is the German member on the Advisory Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, and is therefore responsible for scientific recommendations on the management of commercially exploited living resources in the northeast Atlantic. In recent years, C. Zimmermann has focused primarily on fishery management and alternative management approaches, and on survey strategies and marine data. In addition, he advises the German federal government, the European Commission and the European Parliament (particularly with regard to reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy), as well as the retail trade, the processing industry and environmental groups on various aspects of the sustainable use of marine fish. > web