01. East Bering Sea
02. Gulf of Alaska
03. California Current
04. Gulf of California
05. Gulf of Mexico
06. Southeast US-
Continental Shelf
07. Northeast US-
Continental Shelf
08. Scotian Shelf
09. Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf
10. Insular Pacific-Hawaiian
11. Pacific Central-American Coastal
12. Caribbean Sea
13. Humboldt Current
14. Patagonian Shelf
15. South Brazil Shelff
16. East Brazil Shelf
17. North Brazil Shelf
18. West Greenland Shelf
19. East Greenland Shelf
20. Barents Sea
21. Norwegian Shelf
22. North Sea
23. Baltic Sea
24. Celtic-Biscay Shelf
25. Iberian Coastal
26. Mediterranean Sea
27. Canary Current
28. Guinea Current
29. Benguela Current
30. Agulhas Current
31. Somali Coastal Current
32. Arabian Sea
33. Red Sea
34. Bay of Bengal
35. Gulf of Thailand
36. South China Sea
37. Sulu-Celebes Sea
38. Indonesian Sea
39. North Australian Shelf
40. Northeast Australian Shelf/
Great Barrier Reef
41. East-Central Australian Shelf
42. Southeast Australian Shelf
43. Southwest Australian Shelf
44. West-Central Australian Shelf
45. Northwest
Australian Shelf
46. New Zealand Shelf
47. East China Sea
48. Yellow Sea
49. Kuroshio Current
50. Sea of Japan
51. Oyashio Current
52. Okhotsk Sea
53. West Bering Sea
54. Chukchi Sea
55. Beaufort Sea
56. East Siberian Sea
57. Laptev Sea
58. Kara Sea
59. Iceland Shelf
60. Faroe Plateau
61. Antarctic
62. Black Sea
63. Hudson Bay
64. Arctic Ocean
65. Aleutian Islands
66. Canadian High Arctic
and North Greenland
fig. 4.10 > The near-coastal areas of the world’s oceans have been classed into 66 large, transnational marine ecosystems, known as the large marine ecosystems (LMEs). It is hoped that this approach will enable better cooperation among nations on international marine conservation.