7.6 > A wide variety of instruments is used to explore the sea floor in the search for resources. © maribus
- depth profile of the sea floor is produced using an echo sounder.
- Remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs) are equipped with cameras and grabbing arms. These are used to produce images of the sea floor and collect rock samples.
- Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) can dive down to the sea floor. They are equipped with echo sounders and various measurement sensors, and return to the ship after a deployment of about 20 hours.
- Large samples are collected by a dredge towed behind the ship as it can hold more material than a grab sampler.
- Multirosettes are used to take water samples at different depths and to measure physical and chemical parameters.
- Individual bottom samples, including small boulders, can be collected by grab samplers deployed directly from the ship. These instruments are equipped with cameras to facilitate underwater orientation.